Tuesday, 11 October 2011

More Redmaw

Here is the stage by stage of my take on Bran Redmaw. He will be painted as if he is part wulfen (dark skin, yellow eyes etc). The fierce broadbladed frost weapon in his hand represents a chainfist in game.

Bran Redmaw with Terminator Armour, Wolf Tooth Necklace, Chainfist, Storm Shield, Saga of the Bear.

This build has served me well as it can deal with anything that is thrown at it in combat. In my days of playing eldar, I got sick of my HQs getting squished by dreadnoughts. I have no such trouble with this wolf lord.


RachieRachy said...

He looks really good so far. The fur around his shoulders looks cool and I like the extra braids you've added to his hair. I was wondering if you closley followed descriptions of Bran from the books? as I remember you saying the other day that you hate it when illustrations vary from the descriptions in books.

Svorlrik said...

Bran's physical appearance is not really described in any of the codexes or fiction.

There are pre-release photo's of the forgeworld model of Bran, and he looks nothing like my interpretation!

Skarvald the Troll-faced said...

Hey there, Svolrik! Saw your comment on Wolves for the Wolf God and decided to stop by and say "Hi!"
I really like your conversion and interpretation of Bran Redmaw. The broadbladed frost weapon is definitely a nice and very subtle touch. Interesting way to represent a chainfist!

Although I personally always thought of Bran Redmaw as a person with with Scout's armour, Power/Runic Armour at best. He's more of the Hunter type as dwescribed in the Codex. Personally I would run him as a Wolf Lord with Mark of the Wulfen and Saga of the Hunter. But that's just on the fluffy-side. I just think that the Terminator armor will get in the way for when he "shifts" into his wulfen form.

I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog and I'm definitely subscribing! :)

Svorlrik said...

Thanks for the comment, I'm new to blogging and have subscribed to Wolves for the Wolf God.

Here is a snippit of one of my older warseer posts which explains my original idea for putting him in termie armour:

"Having him in terminator armour is like a personal leash for himself, so that when he turns wulfen, he doesnt just run off like a crazy fool. I will explain the fact he has Saga of the Bear by him generally becoming tougher and feeling less pain when becoming a wulfen."

I went for him originally because of his company symbol, and at the time I began my army, it was only rumoured that he turned into a wulfen. (I guess with forgeworld releasing a wulfen version of the mini we now know that it is in fact true!)

Skarvald the Troll-faced said...

I really like your reasoning behind it. Makes fielding him that much cooler. :) Can't wait to see him painted.